Geddert representing Greens in Elmwood-Transcona byelection

From the Winnipeg Free Press Community Review
By: Simon Fuller

The Green Party of Canada candidate running in the upcoming Elmwood-Transcona federal byelection is Nic Geddert.

The byelection will take place on Monday, Sept. 16. The winning candidate will replace former Elmwood-Transcona MP Daniel Blaikie, who resigned earlier this year to take a position with the provincial NDP government.

Geddert, 38, has prior experience in the election arena — recent past campaigns include finishing fifth in the 2023 federal byelection in Portage-Lisgar following the resignation of Conservative MP Candice Bergen, and fourth in the 2023 provincial election in Elmwood.

The Green Party of Canada candidate running in the upcoming Elmwood-Transcona federal byelection is Nic Geddert.

On the Green Party of Canada’s website, Geddert is described as “a dedicated community advocate with a strong passion for making a positive impact.” It states he’s been actively involved with various boards and committees, including the Spence Neighbourhood Association, Community Roots Resource Centre, Habitat for Humanity, and 1JustCity.

Noting he’s a strong believer in community centred neighbours, the Miles Macdonell Collegiate alumnus said one of his priorities, if elected, will be to help give individuals and communities in Elmwood-Transcona a voice.

“We have a great team, with lots of young people, who are enthusiastic and want to keep the green message going,” Geddert said.

“One of the things we’re hoping to do with the campaign is try and elevate community voices to give them a chance to speak.”

Geddert is also a big bicycle advocate and a big proponent of bicycle safety and active transportation infrastructure in the city.

Community development and infrastructure, including “green development and sustainable development” are also high on Geddert’s list of priorities: “We need to have projects directly impacting households.”

“Housing is another big one for me. I’ve been talking to organizations about housing projects, such as building units for seniors. Lots of people in the community are aging, and still love living in their houses and want to stay in the community, but maybe their houses are too big now,” Geddert said.

“I know a lot of builders, and you know a Manitoban is going to get the job done with their spirit and skills. We’re a diverse population, and we are Friendly Manitoba — we’re a unique people, and we need to see more community-led projects, and community housing.”

Geddert said it’s important to be an advocate for the future generation and he empathizes with young people who don’t necessarily know “what the future’s going to look like.”

Regarding the riding’s catchment, he said while there are some differences between Elmwood and Transcona, both areas have “a good feeling of what their identity is.”

He said that people often tend to stay in these neighbourhoods when they get older, which promotes a strong sense of family, community and safety.

“You might not find this everywhere. It builds over time, and lots of people work very hard to preserve it,” Geddert said.

Geddert added that Green party of Canada leader Elizabeth May will be in Winnipeg on Sept. 9.

“We’ll be meeting at 4 p.m. at 243 Henderson Hwy for a meet-and-greet, sign wave, and refreshments. We’ll be riding out around 5:30 p.m., through Elmwood, around the gateway trail, and back to Elmwood Park for 6:45 p.m. for food, music, and swings.”

Two days earlier, on Sept. 7, he will also be performing a few songs at the GeNa community picnic.

Also running in the Elmwood-Transcona byelection are Leila Dance (New Democratic Party), Colin Reynolds (Conserverative Party of Canada), Ian MacIntyre (Liberal Party of Canada), Zbig Strycharz (Canadian Future Party), and Sarah Couture (People’s Party of Canada).

Go online at for more information.


Meet the Elmwood-Transcona candidates