Candidate Information

What Makes Nic the Best to Represent You in the House of Commons:

Nic is a dedicated community advocate with a passion for making a positive impact. He has been actively involved in various boards, committees, and projects with the Spence Neighbourhood Association, Community Roots Resource Centre, Habitat for Humanity, 1JustCity, Syn-o-nym, Glen Elm Neighbourhoods Association, and Chalmers Renewal Neighbourhood Corporation.

Nic recognizes the political challenges that exist and aims to promote meaningful dialogue and practical solutions. As the Labour critic for the Green Party of Canada, he champions the Party’s commitment to the trade union movement as well as alternative forms of labour organizing. 

With a resounding call for action, Nic is determined to put community before corporation, cooperation before conflict, and people before politics. When we show up for each other, we build a better, more affordable future for our community, and the kind of place we want our kids to grow up in.